Máy dịch
Tác giả: Sakai Kyousuke
Họa sĩ: Kimishima Ao
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Bình luận (4)
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4 Bình luận

Slam - with the loud sound of [her] opening the door, the merrymaking people within the room slowly turned to face it. One with beer mugs in both hands, redfaced but still drinking; one engaging with their drunken friend; one engrossed in conversation, eyes shining with excitement; one pretending to listen to the prior; one singing, one dancing; and lastly, one quietly tilting their glass.
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Nobody's here. Hú hú.
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are you sure 🐧?
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đấy chỉ là 4 năm về trước thôi anh ạ ( đào trá hình )
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