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Truyện dịch
93 Bình luận
Cái này là kết của t nghĩ theo chiều của dòng truyện chứ t cũng chả biết kết nó như nào
Ai xì poi vol 5 đc ko ạ
—Kirishima-kun, it’s no longer necessary for you to choose between Tachibana-san and me.
—What do you mean by that…?
—What you heard…. Tachibana-san broke our promise, so… She has to break up with you…. In other words, the first one to have sex with you… Would be the one to give up on you.
Hayasaka-san raised her head, her eyes flooded with tears. Her sobs mingled with her cries, it was hard for her to speak, it was to see a child desperate for help in a moment of panic.
—You promised, Tachibana-san! Kirishima-kun, break up with her! You have to do it now!
Hayasaka-san exclaimed with all her might as she collapsed on the ground and looked at Tachibana-san and me with a lot of desperation in her eyes.